Frequently Asked Questions

Coyote is an artificially intelligent software program. It is an example of machine learning where we have trained Coyote on a neural network using numerous reference datasets to identify deception. 

We have trained Coyote to identify non verbal identifiers of deception such as micro expression and body language alongside speech cues such as tonality, language complexity and cadence. The science of detecting deception is a large field of interest within Psychological academia. For further information, please see our white paper.

Our founders have both academic and practical field experience of deploying deception detection techniques. Artificial intelligence provided the means to improve on the existing science in a way that would benefit many other fields of interest.

No, Coyote is not categorized as a “lie detector” in the general sense of the term. Deception is often more than just a binary yes versus no situation. Coyote and Polygraphs are also used in different contexts.

A polygraph exam requires an examiner and uses invasive measurements such as blood pressure monitoring and electrical impedance. It also requires the examiner to establish a baseline of known truthful questions to measure responses away from this average. 

Polygraph is known to be influenced by examiner bias, hawthorne effect and is prone to high false positives with poor reliability. Polygraphs are inadmissible in court proceedings due to some of these factors.

Coyote is non invasive, it uses recordings of natural conversations and measures thresholds of deception that it has learnt from.  

Its reliability is high as there is no human intervention. Testing has revealed its accuracy is also higher in comparison to polygraph exam results. It also does not suffer from examiner bias and hawthorne effects reduced (dependent on the characteristics of the video conversation).

Yes we do for context. Both tools aim to identify truth from deceptive statements. Coyotes accuracy is measured at 92% for video. The national research council has maintained that the evidence for polygraphs accuracy is weak and that accuracy is only slightly better than chance in identifying a lie with unknown error rates.

Prodigy Intelligence will never claim that an infallible “lie detector” will be created or that we have such a product. Deception is a multidimensional construct across different psychological phenotypes.We endeavor to create iterations of coyote that continue to beat industry standards exceeding our current benchmark. However, to claim 100% accuracy is scientifically unfeasible and misleading.

We do not advise, nor would we ever advise any decision to be made solely on the basis of one tool’s output. 

Coyote was designed to decode the risk of deception within a conversation. It can not decide if an individual is innocent versus guilty nor can it decide alone if you should buy or sell stock.

Coyote should be used much like other risk analysis tools. Use it often to gather as much data as necessary in order to build up confidence to make an informed decision. 

We provide some specific use case  examples but please feel free to talk to us for more insights on your specific needs.

Currently Coyote is trained on English language. Different language models are achievable in coyotes design and part of our future product development.  If you have a specific language requirement needed for expedited development, please contact us to discuss options.

Defense and Intelligence

Coyote is currently actively deployed in an intelligence analysis capacity with one of our customers. The specific details of its use remain private and confidential. Our customers’ confidentiality is paramount to Prodigy Intelligence.

If you wish to discuss further intelligence uses and integrations for your specific needs please contact us.


Coyote has been used on earnings calls ( transcripts and audio) to highlight CEO discrepancies in reported business information. We have examples of where CEO information has been identified as deceptive that later resulted in SEC violations of investor fraud.

In these cases, financial analysts would have had clear indications to examine data more closely that may have resulted in significant financial loss.

Human Resources 

Video  interviewing has become common place following the Covid 19 pandemic. Coyote can be used to screen for conversational integrity to allow HR professionals identify when further background or security checks are necessary for individuals. 

As we have stated before, Coyote is not a lie detector test but analyzes and identifies the threshold risk of deception in conversation. When used alongside other methods it can become an important step in streamlining the hiring process and elevating integrity within your organization.

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